Register now online.
It is great to be back and preparing for another academic year in our Religious Education program (CCD)! We hope you all have had an enjoyable and safe summer and are looking forward to you and your family growing in Christ this new academic year.
Beginning in September after Labor Day, classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in the classrooms and church basement located on the Sacred Heart campus.
Registration is available here on the parish website, and paper copies will also be available in back of church or at the Parish Office.
We are also seeking volunteers to help with this year’s program. If you would like to volunteer as a catechist, substitute catechist, classroom helper, or to provide snacks, please contact the Parish Office.
Our goal is to have our children realize that being a Catholic is a way of life. This spiritual journey involves a head-to-heart understanding of what it means to make a Christian difference in this world. Through the cooperative effort of parents, catechists, our parish family, and students, our children will grow in their love for God and knowledge of their Catholic faith, develop their God-given gifts and talents, and live to be Jesus’ hands, feet, and heart in this world.
In Christ,
The Parish Education Committee –
Chad Ronnander, Anne Henriksen, Mike Bauer, Ann Werner
Faith Formation is very important. No child or family will be denied participation in Religious Education because of financial need. Tuition waivers and fund raising opportunities are available.
Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Click on "Online Registration" to the left to register now.